Download these essential legal documents for the 2015/16 Academic Year.
To download the Lease Agreement, click here.
To download the Member Agreement, click here.
Download this ACH signup form to authorize automatic payment by bankdrafts to pay housebills.
Click here to download form.
Housebills may also be paid by mail, to this address: P.O.Box 6246, Lincoln, NE 68506.
Need to know how much house bills are this year?
For the 2015/2016 Fee Schedule, click here.
Moving in for the first time? Here's a list of what you need.
Click here to download the SigEp move-in list.
2014/2015 Great Soup Supper, Thanks to our Parents' Club! --Love, the Actives!
Matt and his mom, Beth
Generations of SigEps
Tim and Danny Clare
Parents' Club had the guys write what their parents had taught them.
Ben Massey- Maybe his parents could teach everyone that!
Nebraska Alpha brings the Buchanan Cup home from Conclave!
A round of applause, please...
Nebraska Alpha Brings Home The Buchanan Outstanding Chapter Award-2013
Every two years at Conclave, we recognize our highest performing chapters with the Buchanan Outstanding Chapter Award. Named in honor of past Grand President Edwin Buchanan, the Buchanan Cup, as we commonly refer to it, represents superior and sustained achievement in our Fraternity. The Buchanan Cup recognizes the best-of-the-best Sigma Phi Epsilon chapters. Chapters are measured in relation to the accomplishments of their peers on campuses across the country. Only the chapters that excel in every area of operations and further the Grand Chapter's strategic plan qualify for this high honor.
Holiday Tradition at SigEp
Decking the Halls Party at SigEp, happens every year. Usually, it is scheduled just after Thanksgiving and really makes the house look ready for the holidays. It's a great party thrown by the lovely Mom's of the Parents' Club. Start the Holidays off right!
Check the Parents' Club page and the home page for each year's date. Ho Ho Ho!
(Parents of Freshmen should send a stocking with their son to the party, for hanging in the living room. Please have your son's name on the stocking! )
Parents' Club Silent Auction and Luncheon
Another well attended annual Fall semester event! (Check the Parents' Club or Home Page for this year's date and venue.)
Usually in conjunction with a big home game, about the middle of the football season. The date and venue vary.
Every year, parents and businesses contribute items for the guys or families to bid on!
Silent Auction
The money raised goes toward purchasing something the guys need for the house. In prior years, the money has been used for house remodeling, new vacuums, and toasters.
We hope each family will donate an item; nothing is too big or too small! Great sellers in the past: gift certificates to local restaurants, SigEp and Nebraska items, gift baskets, and anything SipEps and/or families would enjoy.
Questions about the event or auction, contact the current Parents' Club officers.
Undergrads at the Centennial Celebration
The Actives were the last to leave the dance floor. Thanks, men, for keeping the tradition alive!
The Actives were the last to leave the dance floor. Thanks, men, for keeping the tradition alive!
We hope to see this same crew of men back in 50 years with their sons in tow!
Scott Vonderharr, Taylor Peterson, Tyler Siegert, Gregg Carver, Maggie Rounsborg, Cole Jensen, Matt Pederson